For those of you who, like me,  enjoyed the Handsome Men’s Club, but were wondering what the h*ll Matt Damon was doing in the last minutes, with his failed evil laughter? Well…the next video’s don’t justify his bad impression of an evil villan, but nevertheless show the context of the joke.

The Beginning:

Matt has been ‘dissed’ by Jimmy for years now as a running gag. (really, you haven’t seen the Bourne Idenity trilogy? shame on you! an actual freaking good hollywood film..they’re rare!)

Damon finally gets air time and loses his calmth.

The Processual Middle:

Jimmy’s (semi-famous) girlfriend apparently mentioned to Jimmy, here and there, that she was banging Matt, or at least suggested to want to do so. Funny funny haha rumours; just little imaginaries to get back at Jimmy… until Matt has sweet revenge…

with ‘authentic’ documentairy interviews (ongoing gags)…

The End Part

Jimmy takes revenge on Matt by involving Matt’s best friend Ben…

And we have come closer to a full circle regarding the handsome men’s club…

Personally, I find such inter-referential jokes with high layers of social, economic and cultural capital (Bourdieu, anyone? social stratification?) rather awesome. These opportunistic self-mockeries only work on the basis of a complete overgrown sense of self (world wide fame), leveling the ‘stars’ with the groundlevel of the normal everyday person…which is itself a pretty rediculous mechanism.